be there wis logoThe program began with the support of the Southeastern Wisconsin Veteran Suicide Prevention Task Force. The Task Force was developed from the combined support of a coalition of agencies and groups dedicated to making a difference in reducing suicides in the State of Wisconsin.

The initial website and name of the “Live Today – Put it Away” was developed from discussions at meetings with the Wisconsin Governors Challenge to End Veteran Suicides.  The Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry’s Captain John D. Mason’s Veteran Peer Outreach Program agreed to support and facilitate the program and continues to provide support for participation by urban firearm retailers and law enforcement agencies.

See an example of one of the firearm retailers participating in the program:


In April 2024, Bertrand Berger, Ph.D., Clinical psychologist, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin was awarded a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). 


This grant provides support to engage rural firearm retailers and provide participants funding to obtain a firearm safe to assist in the secure storage of firearms at their store. The  Department of Health Services (DHS) has a comprehensive website with resources for Wisconsin Residents. Check out the DHS suicide prevention website!

MCW’s Comprehensive Injury Center (CIC) Division of Suicide Research and Healing is a partner with the Psychiatry Department to implement the DHS grant.  The CIC’s Division of Suicide Research and Healing has the goals to “serve our community partners who are engaged in suicide prevention efforts to maximize the adoption, reach, and efficacy of this work.”